Louisiana Fit Kids Blog

St. Tammany Parish Celebrates Healthy Kids Day 2018


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Healthy Kids Day - Lyon Elementary students enjoying lunch

Healthy Kids Day is a national initiative of the YMCA. Healthy Kids Day encourages kids and parents to commit to keeping the body and mind active during the summer. Summer is the time for kids to get up, get out, grow and be healthy!

Representatives from the Covington Mayor’s Council on Healthy Lifestyles, St. Tammany Hospital Community Wellness Program, St. Tammany School Food Service, the American Diabetes Association and the YMCA helped the students at Lyon Elementary in Covington, Louisiana celebrate Healthy Kids Day with a host of fun activities including: an art contest, taste tests, nutrition quizzes and, of course, a tasty lunch. Kids even had the opportunity to guess the amount of “hidden sugars” in popular beverages!

For more information and pictures, visit St. Tammany Parish - Healthy Kids Day 2018.