Louisiana Fit Kids Blog

No Kid Hungry Louisiana - Resources


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Ending childhood hunger is a priority for Louisiana. Implementation of the statewide No Kid Hungry Campaign will increase access to breakfast, lunch and summer meals for Louisiana’s children. The No Kid Hungry Louisiana Campaign will also work to shine a spotlight on the crisis of child hunger in Louisiana, creating a powerful movement of individuals committed to bold action.

Check out the Learning Lab on Strategies to Reduce Childhood Hunger Resource Pages. These resources were curated by the National Governors Association and Share Our Strength No Kid Hungry.

Find out More About Best Practices for School Breakfast:

No Kid Hungry Center for Best Practices School Breakfast Homepage
The No Kid Hungry Center for Best Practices contains numerous resources for developing, implementing, and innovating school breakfast programs.

No Kid Hungry Starts with Breakfast
The analysis shows the potential impacts associated with school breakfast, including positive, large-scale outcomes in education, economics and health.

Breakfast after the Bell Policy Solutions from Across the U.S.
This brochure highlights key school breakfast policies, state legislation, and their impact.

Case Studies
Colorado House Bill 13-1006: Breakfast After the Bell Program
Illinois Senate Bill 2393: Breakfast After the Bell
Nevada Senate Bill 503: Breakfast After the Bell Program
The West Virginia Feed to Achieve Bill

Model School Breakfast Legislation
This resource provides the key considerations and sample language for designing Breakfast After the Bell legislation in your state.

Resources to Help Schools Implement Effective School Breakfast Programs:

Innovative Breakfast Delivery Options
Breakfast After The Bell Pre-Implementation Checklist
Tips for implementing an Effective Grab and Go Program
Making Breakfast After the Bell Work in Middle and High Schools
Breakfast in the Classroom Rollout Timeline
Grab and Go to the Classroom Rollout Timeline