Understanding Childhood Obesity Webinar Series
This series is an initiative of the Louisiana Department of Education and Pennington Biomedical Research Center funded by the USDA. The goal of the series is to help attendees understand the problem of childhood obesity, the most common chronic disease of childhood.

September 2022
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on childhood obesity
Recent advances in federal school nutrition policies
An overview of implementation science and its role in childhood obesity prevention and treatment

April 2022
Prenatal influences on childhood obesity: opportunity for intervention
The role of early childhood education centers in promoting healthy habits in preschool children
Treatment of childhood obesity in medical settings

September 2021
Trends in food sources and diet quality in U.S. children
Strategies communities can use to address childhood obesity using a systems approach
Impact of school breaks on children’s health

April 2021
Childhood obesity: definition, evaluation and population trends
Physical activity and developmental health in preschool and school-aged children
The role of food insecurity in explaining trends in childhood and adult obesity