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Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Cooperation with
the Louisiana Department of Education, Nutrition Support present:

Louisiana Smart Snacks Meeting Recommended Criteria, 01/24/2025

Smart Snacks Nutrition Standards

To Submit a Product for Evaluation

  • 200 calories or less
  • 35% of total calories from fat or less
  • 10% of total calories from saturated fat or less
  • 0% trans fat
  • Sugars 35% by weight or less
  • 200 mg of sodium or less per serving

Send a website link to the product (or pdf) from the manufacturer which includes the Nutrition Facts label and ingredient statement to

NOTE: The list contains only those products that meet the USDA recommended criteria for Smart Snacks in Schools. This list is provided solely as a reference; there is not a legal requirement that only items on the list be sold. Pennington Biomedical does not endorse or promote any commercial item or entity.

ID ITEM Serving size (weight) Folder ID Category