Recipe and Menu Development
Louisiana Festival of Flavors
Louisiana Festival of Flavors (louisianafitkids.com)
Description: Louisiana Team Nutrition Project Festival of Flavors webpage with Louisiana school meal recipes and helpful resources.
Team Nutrition Recipes | Food and Nutrition Service (fns.usda.gov)
Description: USDA Team Nutrition Recipes webpage with recipes and other helpful resources.
Child Nutrition Recipe Box
Child Nutrition Recipe Box - USDA Standardized Recipes (theicn.org)
Description: Child Nutrition Recipe Box from the Institute of Child Nutrition.
EatSmart Recipes
Recipes (lsuagcenter.com)
Description: LSU AgCenter EatSmart Recipes.
K12 Recipes for School Foodservice - Healthy School Recipes (healthyschoolrecipes.com)
Description: Healthy School Recipes is your one-stop resource for nutritious, creditable K-12 recipes for school nutrition programs.
USDA MyPlate Kitchen
USDA MyPlate Kitchen (myplate.gov)
Description: USDA MyPlate Kitchen webpage with recipes, cookbooks, videos, and resources.
Dairy Max - Your Local Dairy Council (dairymax.org)
Description: Looking for fully reimbursable free recipes, nutritional analyses and recipe builds for different serving amounts? Check out the amazing recipe resources below!

News and Other Resources
New School Meal Standards to Strengthen Child Nutrition
New School Meal Standards to Strengthen Child Nutrition | USDA (usda.gov)
Description: USDA Press release concerning new changes to meal standards for child nutrition.
A Guide to Smart Snacks in Schools | Food and Nutrition Service (fns-prod.azureedge.us)
Description: USDA Food and Nutrition Service A Guide to Smart Snacks in Schools.
Crediting Tip Sheets
Crediting Tip Sheets in Child Nutrition Programs | Food and Nutrition Service (fns.usda.gov)
Description: USDA Crediting Tip Sheets. The tip sheet series provides handy references for program operators on how to credit the five meal components in child nutrition programs.
Final Rule Flexibilities for Milk, Whole Grains, and Sodium Requirements
The rule allows schools in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs to offer flavored, low-fat (1 percent) milk at lunch and breakfast and as a beverage for sale a la carte, without the need to demonstrate operational hardship, and requires that unflavored milk (fat-free or low-fat) be available at each school meal service.
For consistency across programs, the rule extends the milk flexibility to the Special Milk Program for Children and to the Child and Adult Care Food Program for children ages six and older and adult participants.
The rule requires that half of the weekly grains in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs be whole grain-rich; the remaining weekly grains offered must be enriched.
The rule illustrated by the USDA SBP and NSLP Sodium Timeline & Limits retains Sodium Target 1 through School Year 2023-2024, moves Target 2 to School Year 2024-2025, and removes the final target in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs.
Final Rule Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent With the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Final Rule - Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent with the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (fns-prod.azureedge.us)
Description: This slide deck from the USDA includes information on the Final Rule.