Recipe and Menu Development


Louisiana Festival of Flavors
Louisiana Festival of Flavors (
Description: Louisiana Team Nutrition Project Festival of Flavors webpage with Louisiana school meal recipes and helpful resources.

Carrots and Broccoli Photo Team Nutrition Recipes
Team Nutrition Recipes | Food and Nutrition Service (
Description: USDA Team Nutrition Recipes webpage with recipes and other helpful resources.

Child Nutrition Recipe Box
Child Nutrition Recipe Box - USDA Standardized Recipes (
Description: Child Nutrition Recipe Box from the Institute of Child Nutrition.

Students in the Lunch Line in the Cafeteria Photo

EatSmart Recipes
Recipes (
Description: LSU AgCenter EatSmart Recipes.

Cafeteria Tray Photo Healthy School Recipes
K12 Recipes for School Foodservice - Healthy School Recipes (
Description: Healthy School Recipes is your one-stop resource for nutritious, creditable K-12 recipes for school nutrition programs.

USDA MyPlate Kitchen
USDA MyPlate Kitchen (
Description: USDA MyPlate Kitchen webpage with recipes, cookbooks, videos, and resources.

Students in the Cafeteria During Lunch Photo

News and Other Resources

New School Meal Standards to Strengthen Child Nutrition
New School Meal Standards to Strengthen Child Nutrition | USDA (
Description: USDA Press release concerning new changes to meal standards for child nutrition.

Boy Holding Fork and Knife Photo A Guide to Smart Snacks in Schools
A Guide to Smart Snacks in Schools | Food and Nutrition Service (
Description: USDA Food and Nutrition Service A Guide to Smart Snacks in Schools.

Crediting Tip Sheets
Crediting Tip Sheets in Child Nutrition Programs | Food and Nutrition Service (
Description: USDA Crediting Tip Sheets. The crediting tip sheet series provides handy references for program operators on how to credit the five meal components in child nutrition programs.